4J Energy Rail Terminal (CPM) - Pueblo, CO


Our Propane Services

➤ Wholesale Propane Supplier

➤ Rail Terminals

➤ Propane Transportation

Wholesale Propane Supplier

Our propane supply business encompasses all of North America. 4J is a large importer of propane from the Edmonton area, as well as a large exporter of propane to a number of locations in Mexico. 4J has storage at both the Conway and Mt. Belvieu hubs, and is a shipper on the TEPPCO pipeline for north-east deliveries.

4J Energy is a trusted wholesale propane and butane supplier across North America with over 150 million gallons per year of NGL sales. Using our portfolio of 5 rail terminals, key gas processing & refinery suppliers, transportation assets, and logistics expertise our mission is to be the most reliable propane supplier across North America.

4J Energy Rail Terminal - McAlester, OK

Rail Terminals and Propane Storage

Our key assets include a fleet of 170 LPG pressure railcars and 7 LPG Trailer Trucks, and multiple portale transloaders, which deliver into and out of our rail terminals located in:

  • McAlester, OK

  • DeQueen, AR

  • Cresson, TX

  • Russellville, AR

  • Pueblo, CO

We also deliver via both truck and rail from storage locations at Mont Belvieu, TX and Conway, KS.

4J Propane Storage Tanks - DeQueen, AR

We offer bulk propane storage equipment leasing to our retail customers.

Propane Transportation

Our wholly owned transportation subsidiary, GulfMex Energy Services, LLC, operates a fleet of approximately 7 trucks and LPG trailers that gather propane and butane in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Colorado, and also operates our company owned rail terminals in those same states.

GulfMex Truck and LPG Trailer